
Logos are a process.

I like to understand where you are coming from with your brand, and what you hope to convey. I require this questionnaire to be fulfilled, just to get the ball rolling. This helps me begin my research in to who you are, what you like, and what you don’t like. I identify your competitors, and analyze the history of your industry.

Then I hit my sketchpad, where all ideas are born. Admittedly, 95% of my sketches don’t make it past the paper stage. I sketch furiously and randomly, hoping to discover something that can build a distinct feel for your brand.

After that, I bring some things into the computer. I construct initially in black and white, because the logo will need to work on that level at some point. I like to present 8-10 concepts in person or zoom, because that helps the logo development. I encourage clients to print out the concepts and tape them on a wall. Then take a step back, remove things turning you off, and focus on what you like. Chances are you won’t find a winner this round, and that is ok.

Once a few concepts and directions are decided upon, I began to build the brand with color. The tricky thing about color is that we all see it differently, so all have different tastes. Sometimes, you just need to see it, to know if it will work. It is my job to show you the best possible avenues for that.

Finally, the logo is presented in a 3rd and final stage, which incorporates all the colors and fonts. I package your brand assets for you to use, and then hopefully help you begin to build your brand with all your other materials.

Here are a few examples showing the individual steps of the logo process, along with the final product: